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Better Software Actualités 15 juin 2023
#Licensing #Adobe #Bechtle Clouds #Market Place

Tired of managing invoices from multiple entities?

Try out Bechtle Clouds

Organisations are faced with the ongoing challenges of purchasing, managing, assigning and renewing their software licences repeatedly in a timely manner. What better way to gain greater visibility of your software subscriptions than through our marketplace Bechtle Clouds!

Bechtle Clouds was created to alleviate the administrative tasks for IT departments by allowing them to order a wide range of products from Microsoft, Adobe, as well as cloud services from hyperscalers like AWS and Google, all from a single self-service portal.

4 main reasons to choose Bechtle Clouds:

  1. Adjust the number of licences according to your organisation’s real needs. Add or remove licences in just a few clicks pay only for what you are using on a monthly basis.

  2. Manage and assign licences to users in just a few minutes. Bechtle Clouds is connected to your Adobe Administrator Console, so you will be notified as soon as the licences are available and can be assigned to users.

  3. Set up automatic renewal to avoid service interruption. With direct debit, renewing and paying for licences on time is one less thing for you to worry about.

  4. Create cost centres under a single account to invoice subsidiaries automatically, therefore removing the hassle of internal billing within your organisation.

Transform your day-to-day business operations and make everything simpler, faster and more automated with Bechtle Clouds!

Did you know? 💡

By migrating your existing Acrobat Standard and Pro licences before September 1st, 2023, you can secure your current pricing for the next 12 months.

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